The Prévost-Provost Family Association was incorporated on March 26th, 1990.  Five temporary administrators put the plans in place needed to promote the growth of our Association as years go by.  These pioneers were : Pierre Provost, the first President; Adrien Provost the founding Secretary ; Robert Prévost, journalist and renowned Genealogist and Historian; Arthur Prévost ,a Journalist (brother of Robert) and Michel Provost who was the first Treasurer and Archivist-Genealogist. Michel kept his position of Archivist-genealogist and was elected new President at the 1994 annual meeting. The first general meeting was held on June 29th, 1991 in Laval, Quebec. 

The main goal of the Association is to find all the people bearing our name and all those interested in our association.. 

Our Association has more than 350 members. Four times a year we publish a bulletin called Le Prévostal.  Each year, we have an annual general meeting and at least one other activity to allow people to meet and exchange. 

We know of at least twenty Prevost, Provost, Provo or Provoost who left Europe to settle in America. Of these 20, 13 have descendants today. Six of them went directly to the United States, bypassing Canada . The first one came from Holland, the second from St.Domingue and the third one from Paris, France and, to date, we have not been able to discover where the others came from.  Among those who came to Quebec, Canada, two came from Paris (Montreuil-sous-Bois and St.Laurent), three from Normandy ( La Bouille, St.Ursin and Notre-Dame-des-Champs), one from the Jersey Island, one from St.Aubin of Tourouvre, Perche and the 2 others from Britanny (St.Gervais de St-Servan and Barseuff). 
1994 we celebrated the 350th anniversary of the first recorded marriage of a white man and an Indian girl in America, Martin Prévost and Manitouabewich, baptized Marie-Olivier and the Association unveiled a commemorative plaque to remember this historical event.  Moreover, the City of Beauport, East of Quebec City, has given the name of ” Parc Martin-Prévost ” to the park where this commemoration is located, being on the premises of Martin’s settlement. 

Back in 1994, the Association published its first reference dictionary of 35,000 names. In addition to this dictionary, 8 small ones were published: one for each of the ancestors known at that time. A second dictionary was published in 2005 with more than 60,000 names and 14 booklets containing the descendants of all the first ancestors who have offspring to this date.  Since we gather more and more information, a third edition is being considered.
During the annual general meeting of September, 2006, the Association unveiled its exclusive coat of arms and device :  Justice et Loyauté, designed by an internal committee formed by its own administrators, thus respecting the President’s taken commitment 

Over the years, many Prévost and Provost gave time and energy within the Board of Directors.  Past and present administrators put their talents to the service of this Association, first under the presidency of Pierre Provost, followed in office by Michel Provost and, since the year 2000, by André Provost.  We wish to sincerely thank these workers from the very beginning.  It is now up to us to continue their work by arousing an interest always growing with those who wear the patronymic.